mouseflow can help fix this

79% of users will leave your site within seconds because of a bad experience

Track where leads are getting stuck on your site—be it abandoned forms, confusing navigation, or even broken links in key areas like your sign-up page or demo request form. 

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It's like having magic glasses

Why SaaS marketing managers choose Mouseflow


One analytics tool for marketing and product.

Understand the entire journey from website landing pages to feature adoption using cross-domain tracking.

Track up to 3000 sessions now

Limitless customer insights.

Whether it’s for documentation or blog posts, Mouseflow gives you unlimited insights to create content that resonates with your customers.

Start your trial today

Measurable engagement.

In the world of broken attribution, Mouseflow shows you what "clicks" with your website visitors and what frustrates them.

Start squeezing more value from your campaigns now

Trusted by leading SaaS worldwide


See beyond the numbers

Get the behavioral insights that Google Analytics can’t provide. Use them to inform experiments and drive positive user experience changes across your website and product.

Start your exclusive, full-featured, 14-day free trial now. No credit card required.

Understand the journey to key website pages

See what guides your visitors to pricing and demo booking pages and what distracts or causes them to drop off.

Track 3000 sessions with your exclusive trial. Start now!
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Maximize your paid campaign performance

Use behavior analytics insights to understand which campaigns bring higher quality traffic. Double down on the ones that work and save budget by pausing campaigns that bring unengaged traffic.

Get more out of your paid campaigns

Check if your website and product pages are working as they should

Watch users navigate your marketing website and SaaS app to spot friction points and guide users toward the right path.

Catch invisible errors as they happen now

Make your website error-free

Get notified about website errors that prevent customers or prospects from progressing further on their journey and fix them before they affect the bottom line.

Start your exclusive trial today and bulletproof your experience
Indisputable leader in User Behavior Analytics

Start your exclusive trial today

Track up to 3000 sessions. Full-featured, 14-day free trial. No credit card required. Easy installation.

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